In 1993 an article in U.S. News & World Report exposed a Washington D.C. group called 'The Finders'.
Reportedly the CIA ran a 'Finders cult' which kidnapped children and supplied them to politicians and other people it wanted to control.
Reportedly the project involved the torture and brainwashing of children.
The police found a file called 'Pentagon Break-in,' and references to activities in Moscow, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, North Vietnam, North Korea, Africa, London, Germany, Europe and the Bahamas. (Sex, Drugs, the CIA, MIND CONTROL and Your Children.)
The media told us only part of the story about Madeleine McCann.
As http://churchofnobody.blogspot.com/ points out, most of the media did not want to say too much about Casa Pia (the Symington Family, Robert Murat) or The Finders.
Nobody (http://churchofnobody.blogspot.com/) has written about Madeleine McCann - a wide angle versus a microscope
And in this article there is mention of the Finder's Bust:?
"The police arrested two well-dressed men with a van full of kids, aged 2 to 7, all of whom were unwashed and without underpants ... 'gifted' children being taken to Mexico for 'special education'...
"Their Washington headquarters were busted.
"There police found ... a bloody altar surrounded by video cameras...
"Many photos and videos (of both porn and satanic ritual) ... computers and telexes with orders from all over the world specifying particular 'looks' for children all of whom, one presumes, were to be kidnapped and trafficked overseas.
"In addition to all this were procedural handbooks detailing how to infiltrate child-minding centres and how to traffic children whilst avoiding police attention...
"The entire investigation was completely shut down with a single click of the CIA's fingers?
"It seems the Finders' leader, Marion Pettie, had been CIA since the days of the OSS.
"And not forgetting his spook wife and spook son.
"Faced with the obviousness of the Finders as a total CIA gig, the media refused to touch it at all apart from a solitary article in the US News and World Report."
Labour warned by Electoral Commission over postal voting in Glasgow North East ...
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