Lindsay Lohan: Mean girls go to jail

Lindsay Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in jail Tuesday for her failure to attend alcohol education classes after a series of drunk driving charges stemming back to 2007. The media orgiastically detailed every look, word and tear the fallen starlet issued in court, just as it has obsessively covered every other mishap in this young woman's excruciatingly public life. There are fights with her father, fights with her former girlfriend, fights with current and former boyfriends, fights with former BFFs like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. She dyes her hair. She loses too much weight. Her boobs may or may not be fake. Her lips may or may not be Restalyne-inflated. She gets kicked out of a nightclub, or not let into a nightclub, or falls down coming out of a nightclub, or passes out in the passenger seat of a car after partying at a nightclub.Meanwhile, badly behaving male celebrities collectively get a media ho-hum. Last month Motley Crue singer Vince Neil was arrested for driving under the influence, despite the fact that in 1984 he killed a rocker friend of his who had the misfortune to be in his car after a night of drinking. For that crime Neil pleaded guilty to vehicular manslaughter and was sentenced to 30 days in jail--60 less than Lindsay was just handed. Neil served 15 days and paid out $2.6 million. Chris Klein, star of the popular American Pie movies, was arrested for DUI in June. He too is a repeat offender. In May Hideki Irabu, a former Yankees pitcher, was pulled over for DUI. In all cases, the media shrugged. As for Mel Gibson, one might think he'd been arrested in 2006 for anti-Semitic remarks, not driving while intoxicated. In April, when Michael Douglas' son Cameron was sentenced to five years in jail for dealing drugs, the judge blasted his parents for being "problematic" and "immature" when Cameron was growing up. One could arguably say the same about Lindsay's parents, but her judge made no mention of this.

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