Was Jenin a Mistake?
I must admit, the points raised here do concern me. It has been useful to the Jihad for the Israelis to withhold their fiercest firepower in order to protect "innocent" Palestinian civilians (though Osama laughs at the thought that there were many truly "innocent" civilians in Jenin, which is Suicide Bomber Central and, as this Israeli soldier knows, is controlled by Islamic
I can not believe Arafat accepted that compromise to free him from Ramallah! What does he think he's doing? Being penned up in his HQ was great PR for our side - the French, the Euroweenies and the UN were all coming down hard on Israel and the U.S., and as long as he was held inside his compount, Arafat could plausibly deny any connections to additional suicide bombings and other acts
Random Thoughts
Osama disavows knowing these friends of mine in America. No doubt, these are just peace-loving Muslims who have been framed by the infidel American inJustice system. Meanwhile, can anyone tell me why my favorite web site is down?
Rumsfeld, the leader of the American crusaders, arrogantly claims allied troops in Afghanistan are capturing Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters almost daily. You know it's a lie because, first of all, the Taliban were wimps. They all bugged out early.
Sow the Wind...
I sure hope Bush isn't listening to what Rich Lowry has to say about Abdul Aziz. Same goes for Crown Prince Abullah. Just because Aziz chose to ally with the Brits so many decades ago instead of sticking with the jihad he helped seed doesn't mean the Saudis should make that same infidel choice. Abdullah, don't lose heart! The tens of thousands of young Arabian men your schools
First of all I gotta thank Osama for inviting me to participate in this blog. I may not be able to post very often - hard to smuggle laptop batteries into my Ramallah compound, and the Israelis cut the power off as you know. And Colin Powell didn't rescue me - and yes, I'm still spitting mad about that!

I see where Crown Prince Abdullah went to Texas to threaten Bush with an oil embargo of the
She's so right!
The Jews are always to blame, just as this fine column in the British newspaper the Spectator says. Osama is please that someone in London finally has explained why it is Israel that is the terrorists, not the Palestinian Authority and Fatah and its suicide-bomber children blowing up Israeli civilians. Allah be praised!
Fortunately for Islam, the American Congress is pushing the Bush administration to take a strong pro-Israel side in the Palestinian conflict. This is necessary in the process of Jihad - as it will make clear to all on which side every nation and every people stand. The EU appears to be tilting our way.
Osama is grateful for the anti-Jew rally that is planned for Washington DC tomorrow, and loves that it has been planned to take place on the anniversary of Adolph Hitler's birth. The Council on American-Islamic Relations should be proud of its efforts to promote this day of hate directed at Israel and those Zionist lapdogs in America who continue to prop it up against the wishes of
The Infernal Jonah Goldberg... gets it
Goldberg writes, "The word 'religion' draws from the Latin 'religio' which originally referred to customs and rituals. The Islamic word for 'religion' in Arabic is 'din' which means 'law.' To be grossly simplistic, religion in the West is something we do, in the Middle East it is something you must do." He's right. Now you know why Osama and his true Muslim
Jihad American Style
There are those in America who say that this current war, which they call a "war on terror," is not a religious war, that this conflict that rages from the World Trade Center to Kandahar and Khost and Kabul, and to Jerusalem and Jenin, has nothing to do with Islam vs. Christianity and Judaism. And there are those that say there is no Fifth Column undermining America from
Sometime last night, Allah blessed Osama's blog with its 30,000 visitor, who logged in from an IP address at Emory University. Osama thanks you, whoever you are. Also, results of Osama's interactive poll continues to run strongly in Osama's favor, with 100 percent of participants saying Osama should not be tried for war crimes. Support from the French for letting Osama off the hook
Where's bin Waldo?
Today's WaPo has a report claiming U.S. intelligence officials now believe Sheik Osama managed to escape from Tora Bora because of the ineptitude of the infidel aggressors.

An excerpt: Captured al Qaeda fighters, interviewed separately, gave consistent accounts describing an address by bin Laden around Dec. 3 to mujaheddin, or holy warriors, dug into the warren of caves and
Poll Update
100% of the people responding to Osama's poll say Osama should not be put on trial for war crimes. French voters outnumber English voters 78% to 22%. Liberte! May Allah bless the French.
Joe Katzman emails to wish me peace. "Peace be upon you. About six feet of peace," he says. Katzman has a blog of course. Another blogger, Mary Madigan, wrote to ask why I hadn't made any more videotapes, saying, "I guess, like Elvis, fame was just getting to you." But that was before al Jazeera broadcast my latest.

UPDATE: Fixed the link to Katz' meow.
New interactive feature at Osama's blog
Osama has added a new public opinion poll to his blog. As the Council on American-Islamic Relations says, online polls "help in weighing public opinion." Today's question is, should Osama bin Laden be tried for war crimes. You can answer "No" in English or French.
I bet Saddam's jealous
But why am I not getting royalties for this? And this offends me. I look better in olive drag.
How do you say "Death to America" in Urdu?
I gotta get me one of these
The Indefatigable Victor Davis Hanson ...
has more questions. .... and, just like the last time, Osama has the answers!

VDH's questions in italic
Osama's answers in bold

The Palestinian Authority and spokesmen from the Arab world are now advancing a new party line by comparing their own struggle to our American Revolution — with overt associations between the Founding Fathers and Mr. Arafat
Why is Osama's blog not listed at Warblogger Watch? There is no more pro-war blog than "osama's bin bloggin". Heck, I started the whole war back on Sept. 11 with my sneak attack on America. Well, okay, I didn't start the war - it has been a low-intensity conflict for decades - but I did take it to a whole new level of violence. And daily I'm exhorting Muslims everywhere to take up arms
Internal Memo
To: al Qaeda members worldwide, and supporters of al Qaeda and affiliated terror organizations including Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Fatah, Tanzim, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, The Government of Iraq, the ruling Iranian clerics, and our supporters (witting and unwitting) including the Saudi royal family, pro-Palestinian French, anti-Semitic Norweigans, U.S. Rep. Cynthia
Arafat & Clausewitz
Your humble servant Osama has parsed Yasser Arafat's statement and found that it contains nothing that will get in the way of continuing the Jihad against the Jews and the Americans. Arafat cites "our steady principle that rejects using violence and terror against civilians as a way to achieve political goals." Osama notes what Pudge didn't say is more important than what he
Even Without Jerry Lewis
A telethon in Saudi Arabia raises $97 million to help fund the Palestinian intifada - including the families of martyred suicide bombers - according to this Arab News report. Two points of note: the largest single donation, $27 million, was made by Prince Alwaleed ibn Talal, whose generous offer of $10 million to New York after Sept. 11 was rejected by that fascist Mayor
What a Wimp
Osama regrets ever recruiting the incompetent wimp Zacharias Moussaoui. First he gets himself arrested a month before he was supposed to join Mohammed Atta and the other 18 guys on those four planes. Now he's crying that he needs more room in his jail cell and whining for a computer and other items. Oy vey! The French are such wimps! My advice to Moussaoui: shut up before they decide
Arafat's Statement
Osama finds much to praise in Yasser Arafat's statement that has caused U.S. Secretary Of State Powell to consider going ahead and meeting with Pudge.

Arafat said: "We strongly condemn violent operations that target Israeli civilians, especially the last operation in Jerusalem. We also strongly condemn the massacre and the killing Israel occupation forces have, and are still,
Jonah Made Me Chuckle
Osama rarely reads the right-wing rants of American warmonger Jews like Jonah Goldberg, but happened to stumble across his column today in which he criticizes U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, who says she believes that the Bush administration had advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks, did not warn the soon-to-be-victims, and now has friends in Big Business making big bucks
The worst kind of Iraqi
"When Dr Ahmad Chalabi talks about toppling Saddam Hussein, the US hawks listen," reports this story profiling the man Osama views as the world's worst Iraqi.

But Saddam won't go quietly. He "is now immeasurably better armed than he was in 1990; b) will probably strike at Israel the moment he is attacked; and c) will use anything he can when the chips are down - including
More on Khilafah
Did you know, my Muslim friends, that the Iranian constitution conflicts with Islam? It does! Article 1 of that infidel document declares that the form of government of Iran is that of an "Islamic Republic," endorsed by the people of Iran on the basis of their long-standing belief in the sovereignty of truth and Qur'anic justice... through the affirmative vote of a majority of
Fifth Column
Beware of traitors in our own ranks, my Muslim brothers. But be assured that Allah will prevail!
Okay, I admit it.
Someone finally figured it out. The conspiracy, I mean. Me, Bush, the Carlyle Group and Cheney (he's a former oil man ya know), all working together to gin up a phony war to make us all a bunch of money. Millions. BILLIONS, even! But we've been found out .. and by a woman! U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney has revealed parts of the conspiracy in a radio interview, reports the
New Friend of Osama
Osama has added a new site to his list of permanent links over there <----- on the left. Warblogger Watch. They get far less traffic than Osama's blog, but Osama really likes these dudes and wants to help them out. Because anyone who contributes even in a small way to undermining the American effort to save civilization from evil murdering Islamo-fascist terrorist thugs is a
Worth Your Time
Your leader Osama gets a lot of ink in this long and very detailed report in The New Yorker on the Kurds of Northern Iraq, though that paragon of Islamic leadership, Saddam Hussein, naturally gets top billing. The Kurds of course come across as whiny - whining about having their villages gassed by Saddam, when as good Muslims they should have accepted their role as test targets
The Next Front
Good news in, of all places, the Infidel Science Monitor, which reports that "Saddam may have fired the first shot" in the coming battle with the Americans. The story says, "An assassination attempt against a leading pro-Western Kurdish leader in northern Iraq underscores the risk that the US and its allies are taking as they weigh options to topple Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein.
Jenin Spin
Not being directly involved, Osama is mulling whether the outcome of this battle is merely a minor setback to the Jihad, or a clever strategy to lull the Israelis into a fatal sense of complacency. Meanwhile, you can read the Ha'aretz account of the battle here. Even ArabNews.com reports the statement of Jamal Abu Al-Haija, a senior Hamas leader, that, "The battle is over. There are a
According to ArabNews.com, Saudi Arabia's First English language daily, "Saudization" is a government program designed to replace foreign workers with Saudis. The govermment cites the huge sums that expatriate workers send out of the country each year to their families back home as a reason to kick foreigners - many of them Muslims and Arabs - out of their jobs. Over the next few
Facts are Funny Things
Afnan Fatani, a Saudi professor of English language, writes an open letter of protest and condemnation, intended for U.S. officials. Says Fatani, "We condemn the fact that a notorious war criminal like Sharon is welcomed with open arms and accorded red-carpet treatment at the White House, while Yasser Arafat, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, is shunned and abhorred." And people
Mall Rats
Amr Al-Faisal questions whether Saudis have the stomach to really take on the Americans where it counts: at the mall.

Writes Mr. Faisal: "We often hear our people making loud noises about boycotting American products. To those advocating a boycott, I ask a few simple question: Has any government forced you to buy a Caprice instead of a Camry? Have you been forced at gunpoint into
Don't Go Here
No good Muslim should go to this site and join the over 200,000 people who have signed a petition asking the Nobel Prize committee to revoke the 1994 Peace Price it gave to that statesman Yasser Arafat. I mean, c'mon, people, just because he sends suicide bombers into Israeli groceries, nightclubs and religious celebrations and kills innocent children and old people? Give Pudge a
Arab Intellectualism
It is wonderful to see the flowering of Arab intellectual thought, as epitomized by this posted at IndyMedia.org:

Titled "A letter to The Jew on this site," it was written by "Abdul," who, I have been told, was voted both "Most Likely to be a Suicide Bomber" and "Least Likely to Succeed" by his classmates at Ramallah High, class of 1999.

Abdul writes: "Hey, jew face, why
A Fine Idea
I checked with Yasser "Pudge" Arafat and we agree that Ken Layne's idea in this fine essay is a good one. At least I think Pudge likes it. He did seem worried, however, that without Israel, those suicidal Palestinians might start targeting him once they realize his only talent is being a terrorist leader and he's not competent to run a decent government.
Sad, but True
An essay by Jonathan Chait in The New Republic asserts that Israel's invasion of the West Bank is causing a reduction in the number of suicide bombings. More reason the Arab world must increase pressure on the U.S. to get Israel to pull out, before they are too successful.
Sheik-en Trust
The evil John Ashcroft and his allies in the Infidel States of America's Injustice Department have falsely accused four comrades of Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman - three good Muslims and a lawyer - of helping Rahman direct terrorist activities from his American prison cell, CNN reports. I trust the three Muslims.
Letter From a Reader
Osama can't reply to all of the many emails sent by readers of this blog, but I feel I must address the issues raised by Pete Schiavo, who wrote, "Hey, I have two questions: Is it Osama or Usama? Also, I have you in the office pool as being in Iran and that you fled Afghanistan before Tora Bora started heating up. So if you could let me know where you currently are, I have
Islam vs. Democracy
Wayward Muslims who believe that Allah's followers can compromise and adopt some of the ways of the Infidel West, I urge you to read this excellent primer on the Khilafah, or what the Western press calls the "Caliphate." Here are some excerpts:

The democratic system conflicts with the Islamic system in the fundamentals as well as the branches. It is not a proper to equate
A Warning to Qatar
As reports increase that the corrupt Gulf sheikdom of Qatar is rolling out the welcome mat for American troops, let's remember the words of the Holy Prophet in the Qu'ran, when he wrote, "Do not seek power from the fire of the pagans." For more on the Infidels' infiltration of the holy lands of the prophet, see this article from khilafah.org. (It rhymes with falafel.)

William Safire's piece in today' NYT alleges that Iraq's Saddam Hussein is using a few dozen of my al Qaeda operatives to infiltrate northern Iraq and kill Kurdish leaders. But that's American aggressor-speak intended to demean the lawful policing efforts that we are assisting in Northern Iraq. Our operatives are not terrorists, but law enforcement professionals who are training Iraqis how to
Allah's Favorite Blog
A commentator in the LA Times remarks: If Palestinian intellectual Edward W. Said were blogging, would Alterman and Beam be calling him a navel gazer? Or would they praise his brave alternative point of view and complain that the mainstream press is too conservative? I wonder, has she read Osama's blog?
I'm Back!
Sheik Osama had to take a little break from blogging for a few days - for a weekend trip to Washington and Philadelphia. Washington looked quite nice this time of year - the cherry blossoms sure add some color to an otherwise drab city. The Hummers and with soldiers manning their .50-calibers protecting the Pentagon from truck bombs on highway 110 were another nice touch. I must say, I
A good American
I'm glad to see that Paul Krugman agrees with me. Says Krugman, "The unfolding tragedy in the Middle East reduces me and many others to despair in a way that Sept. 11 never did. I'm glad to know that the deaths of 3,000 of his fellow citizens and fellow New Yorkers doesn't trouble him nearly as much as the deaths of Allah's own Palestinian freedom fighters and their support
Terror Farming
I'm not a big William Safire fan, but in his NYT column today he is right about one thing: Arafat is the primary cause of the suffering of the Palestinian people. Just as I and my Taliban brothers worked to oppress the people of Afghanistan. Why? Simple. To create fertile soil for Jihad. Allah needs more people willing to be suicide bombers, willing to hijack and crash large
A question
Why does Arafat send suicide bombers instead of Palestinians armed with rifles? This video takes aim at the answer. Osama says click the link only if you have Windows Media Player. And a sense of humor. Allah be praised.
A Puppet's Plot
The American puppet Karzai unleashes his "security forces" to arrest hundreds of his political opponents, according to this report from the NYT. The American puppet Karzai alleges a "conspiracy" planning a bombing campaign around Kabul to undermine Karzai's regime, and claims conspiracy is linked to warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a longtime servant of Allah who ruthlessly battles
Um. True.
I finally had the opportunity to read Mark Steyn's Easter editorial in the London Telegraph. It was... disturbing. But parts of it, especially the one excerpt below, are bang-on.

In the American press, you read things like: "An observer to the bomb-blast scene described a dead young girl, perhaps 10 or 12, lying on the ground with her eyes open, looking as if she was surprised." For
Housekeeping notes
After much reading of the Qu'ran and extensive prayers to Allah, I have made some changes. First of all, my decision to renounce violence as a strategic tactic, made on April 1, was foolish and I hereby renounce my renouncement of violence. Bombs away.

Second, I have made some slight changes to the format of my blog, to make it more easily read.

Also, Osama's blog may not be
An interesting look from Wired at how technological advances are redefining modern warfare. A retired U.S. Air Force colonel who helped shape U.S. military strategy in the first Gulf War, says radically improved capabilities of air power require a new approach that concentrates on making precision strikes against infrastructure and tries to spare the lives of enemy troops. John Warden
Praying to Allah
Praying that Victor Davis Hanson is wrong this time. Hanson writes, "The Palestinians have turned to suicide bombers--terrorists boasting of a new and frightening tactic that cannot be stopped. But they should recall the kamikazes off Okinawa that brought death, terror and damage to the American fleet - before prompting horrific responses that put an end to them for good and a
Nothing to Lose
Thomas L. Friedman in his newest NYT column helps Muslims loyal to Allah and Jihad realize just what's at stake in the current Israeli-Palestinian crisis: If we don't sucker Israel into staying on the West Bank, the inevitable victory of Islam over the Christian/Zionist/Infidel West will be delayed.

Friedman writes, "What Osama bin Laden failed to achieve on Sept. 11 is now being
The capture of my dear friend, Abu Zubaida, has me worried. He was important to al-Qaeda's ongoing operations. Zubaida was crucial to screening recruits from each new group of easily-brainwashed young Muslims, mostly Saudis and Egyptians, who came to our camps, and he was involved in finance and in making travel arrangements for those we sent on missions. But that's not why I'm so
Narcissism on Parade
Bill Clinton is such a narcissist. He actually believes that back in the fall of 2000 I was sitting around in a cave plotting ways to kill him. "He was training people to kill me. Which was fair enough - I was trying to get him," Clinton tells Newsweek, referring to me.

What bunk! In the fall of 2000, I was sad to see his administration coming to an end. He was a good
Allah be praised, this article from Andrew Sullivan shows that the infidels are beginning to fully grasp the evil plans of Arab Islamo-fascists like Yassir Arafat, who indeed was a part of a "nexus of terror" that has links to Baghdad, is armed by the Iranian Islamo-fascists, is egged on by Syria and is financed by Saudi Arabia. I can confirm that point in his essay today because, as you
I was watching al Jazeera last night and seeing the images of those poor Palestinians besieged by the Israelis, and I had an epiphany. Violence breeds violence. I mean, there I was, the world's leading terrorist/freedom fighter (depending on your point-of-view) and it just hit me. Every time I blow someone up or kill some people, the other side wants to do the same to me. Allah never