Reportedly, 75% of the passengers on the 9 11 flights had connections with the Pentagon. (military connections)

In 1962, the Pentagon's Operation Northwoods envisaged the US military deliberately crashing a plane and then pretending that this was done by the Cubans. (aangirfan: 9 11 REVEALED - The Daily Mail)

With Operation Northwoods, the Pentagon plan was to send up two airliners painted and numbered exactly the same, one from a civil airport in America, the other from a secret military airbase nearby.

The one from the airport would have military personnel on board who had checked in as ordinary passengers under false names.

The one from the airbase would be a drone, a remote-controlled unmanned aircraft.

Somewhere along their joint flight paths, the passenger-carrying plane would drop below radar height and return to the airbase to unloading its passengers in secret.

Meanwhile, the drone would be exploded and the world would be told that a plane load of blameless American passengers had been deliberately killed by terrorists.

On 8 February 2010, reveals that a surprising number of the passengers on Flight AA77, which allegedly hit the Pentagon, had military connections

Voltairenet reproduces this extract from Strategie per una guerra mondiale, a book by Pino Cabras:

On board Flight 77 there was a high density of passengers who worked at classified positions in the Defense sector: between 16 and 21 persons out of a total of 58 passengers.

The were aerospace engineers. One of them, Mr. Yamnicky, was a longtime CIA operative that worked for the Veridian Corp. as an aeropace engineer.

Another passenger on the list, Mr. Caswell, led a team of about one hundred scientists for the US Navy.

Others worked for Boeing and Raytheon in El Segundo, California, on a project dubbed "Black Hawk".

We present here some information regarding these noteworthy Flight 77 passengers, who belong to the lists which were obtained by scanning the obituary columns on the Web or in the newspaper articles published in the days following the attacks.

1. John D. Yamnicky Sr., 71, from Waldorf (Maryland), was on a business trip on American Airlines Flight 77. He was a retired naval aviator, who retired as Captain in 1979 when he joined Veridian Corp., a Virginia-based military contractor, where he worked on fighter aircraft and air-to-air missile programmes...

2. William E. Caswell, born in Boston (Massachusetts) in 1947, was a third-generation physicist whose work at the Navy was so classified that his family knew very little about what he did each day...

3. and 4. Wilson Falor "Bud" Flagg, 63, born in Millwood (Virginia), was a Rear Admiral in the US Navy and a pilot for American Airlines until his retirement...

His wife Darleen...

5. Stanley Hall, 68, was from Rancho Palos Verde (California). He was director of programme management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare...

6. Bryan C. Jack, 48, from Alexandria (Virginia), was responsible for crunching America’s defense budget...

7. Keller, Chandler ‘Chad’ Raymond... He was an eminent engineer specialized in propulsion technologies and project manager at Boeing Satellite Systems...

8. Dong Lee, 48, from Leesburg (Virginia), worked for Boeing Co. as an engineer.

9. Ruben Ornedo, 39, from Los Angeles (California), was a propulsion engineer at the Boeing Comany in El Segundo (California).

10. Robert Penninger, 63, from Poway (California), worked as an electrical engineer for BAE systems, a Defense Department supplier.

11. and 12. Robert R. Ploger III, 59, from Annandale (Virginia), was a software architect at Lockheed Martin Corp., and his wife Zandra Cooper.

13. John Sammartino, 37, from Annandale (Virginia), was technical manager at XonTech Inc. in Arlington (Virginia), a research and development firm linked to the military sector and specialized in defense missiles and sensor technologies...

14. Leonard Taylor, 44, was technical group manager at XonTech Inc...

15. Vicky Yancey, 43, from Springfield (Virginia)... a former naval electronics technician, worked for the Vredenburg company, a Defense Department supplier...

16. Charles F. Burlingame III, 52, graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1971 ; he was flight commander of AA Flight 77...

17. Barbara K. Olson...

18. Karen Kincaid, 40, from Wahington D.C... Kincaid was training to take part in the upcoming Marine Corps Marathon scheduled for October 28.

19. Steven ‘Jake’ Jacoby, 43, was a vice president and chief operating officer of a paging and wireless messaging service called Metrocall Inc., based in Alexandria (Virginia)...

It was Metrocall that supplied the equipment used by emergency responders who were on the scene in New York and Washington on 9/11 ...

It should be pointed out that the same disproportionate number of passengers with military connections can also be observed in respect of the other 9/11 flights.

Three Raytheon employees were on flight AA11 that crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

Raytheon is one of the principal defense suppliers, and a pillar of the Global Hawk remote control technologies, highly cherished by the Pentagon.

Among the various hypotheses which are impossible to prove, but which are nevertheless technically plausible and worthy of a deeper investigation, is the one concerning remote controlled aircraft.

There are a number of disturbing features about Raytheon.

A USA Today article published in October 2001 announced that in August 2001 Raytheon had executed, six times over, a perfectly smooth test landing in a New Mexico air base involving an unpiloted Boeing 727 belonging to Fedex.

The system emitted radio signals from the end of the runway which were transmitted to the plane. The ground electronic devices coordinated their location through GPS. No pilot could intervene during the moneuvre.

We’ll say it again : this is a technology which was fully operational and readily available in August 2001, one month before the fateful attacks.

Already at the beginning of 2001, a special plane linked to the Global Hawk programme had crossed the Pacific Ocean, from the USA to Australia, with no one on board.

As we have just seen, the main actors involved in these programmes as well as other aerospace experts were officially declared dead on September 11, 2001...

Surprising number of passengers on Flight AA77 that allegedly hit the Pentagon had military connections

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