Installation 'parties' herald launch of Windows 7

Microsoft wants its fans to hold parties to celebrate the launch of Windows 7. After the spectacular failure of Windows Vista, is Microsoft back on track? Microsoft launches its latest operating system Windows 7 on the mainstream market Thursday, hoping to recover from the disaster of its predecessor Windows Vista. The software giant suffered the indignity of having Vista passed over by many in favour of its lighter and less cumbersome forbearer XP, which continues to be the Windows operating system of choice for many businesses and individuals. Furthermore, Microsoft wants the launch of Windows 7 to be a fun occasion. The company is sending out "party packs" to help groups of friends and families install their new operating system in a festive fashion. These packs include a poster, playing cards, steamers, balloons and lots of other stuff you might find at a five-year-old's birthday party. So much for an end to indignities at Microsoft.

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