What links the Rolling Stones to MI5 and the FBI?
Why did the Rolling Stones's pal David Sniderman/Schneidermann have "a whole collection of different passports in different names and with different nationalities on them."
(Michael Cooper quoted in Tony Sanchez's book - Up and Down with the Rolling Stones.)
Mick Jagger had said that "war stems from power-mad politicians and patriots.
"We must end all these mindless men from seats of power, and replace them with real people, people of compassion." (Cached)
There is a belief that the CIA and its friends in the Mafia have long wanted to control the world of popular music.
According to researcher Mae Brussell, in 1968 orders went out to neutralize 'restless youth' (Operation Chaos)
By 1969 the SSS (Special Services Section of the FBI) combined with the Justice department and with the CIA in Operation Chaos. (Cached)
On 24th October 2010, the Mail on Sunday tells us how the Acid King confessed he DID set up the Rolling Stones drug bust for MI5 and the FBI.
In 1967 there was a police raid on a party at Keith Richards’s Sussex home, Redlands.
Richards and Jagger claimed they were set up by 'the Acid King', a guest at the party.
In his newly published autobiography, Richards claims that the Acid King worked for the authorities and was called David Sniderman.
John Lennon - reportedly murdered by the spooks. Website for this image
Reportedly, Sniderman was a Canadian who told his family and friends he worked for the UK and US intelligence agencies.
After the Redlands incident, he slipped out of Britain, changed his name to David Jove and lived in Hollywood.
According to Maggie Abbott, a talent agent who met Jove/Sniderman in Los Angeles in 1983, "He was always armed with a handgun and I feared that if I gave him away, he’d shoot me."
Sniderman told Abbott that after getting caught with drugs he was told by British spooks that "he’d get out of prison time if he set up the Stones."
Sniderman told Abbott that the British spies were working with the FBI’s Counterintelligence division, known as Cointelpro.
Cointelpro's job was to discredit groups seen as ‘subversive’.
Salute the murderers?
Sniderman/Jove married Lotus Weinstock.
Lotus's brother James Weinstock said of Sniderman/Jove: "One New Year’s Eve, he showed me a gun and said he’d just killed a man who was messing with his car."
Later he was rumoured to have murdered a TV personality, Peter Ivers.
Rolling Stone Brian Jones said: "Nothing destroys culture, art or the simple privilege of having time to think quicker than a war."
Brian Jones was reportedly murdered - The Covert War Against Rock, by Alex Constantine.
Operation CHAOS was exposed when Seymour Hersh published an article in the New York Times titled Huge CIA Operation Reported in US Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years on December 22, 1974.[1]
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