Belgium's Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin is the "Black Baron."
His name has been linked to false flag terrorism in Europe.
Former Belgian spy boss Albert Raes was the first to use the term "Black Baron" to describe de Bonvoisin.
De Bonvoisin is said to be connected to fascist groups, to the CIA-NATO's Operation Gladio, and to the Brabant Massacres (Nijvel Gang,) which killed 28 people in Belgium. (Benoit de Bonvoisin - Wikipedia)
In the Dutroux child murder case, one of the people reportedly named by witnesses was Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin. (THE DARK CORNERS OF LIFE DUTROUX_NOTES)
The sort of terrorism that came to Belgium in the 1980s, and which has been linked to people like de Bonvoisin, may be about to hit the UK.
And there is a link to the UK's SAS special forces.
People like this are training in various parts of Britain. These are the sort of people who murdered Jean Charles de Menezes.
UK Police are being given more powerful guns and extra training to prepare for a possible Mumbai-style terror attack in Britain.
Security chiefs are staging a series of terrorism exercises with police sharpshooters training alongside units of the notorious Special Air Services (SAS).
Apparently, the development follows the discovery, in September 2010, of a credible 'CIA-NATO Gladio-style' false flag plot.
The SAS have been accused of training 'terrorists'.
Britain's SAS (Special Air Services) trained the Khmer Rouge.
The British Special Air Services (SAS) firm Keenie Meenie Services reportedly trained the Tamil Tigers. (Southern India, Sri Lanka terrorist groups)
The SAS trained bin Laden's Mujahedin fighters in ScotlandOn 30 January 2010, we learn that NATO generals devised Operation Cage (Cage probe deepens with Poyrazköy indictment) which included the idea of detonating explosives during school field trips to military museums in Turkey. The intention was to kill lots of kids.
The UK's General Frank Kitson reportedly developed the idea of the 'pseudo gang'. (General Frank Kitson: Trail Blazing Fake Terrorism)
The pseudo gang works for the military but pretends to be a bunch of terrorists.
The idea of the 'pseudo gang' is to murder innocent civilians and then blame the murders on the people that the military wants to discredit.
Pseudo gangs have been used in Vietnam, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, the Philippines, Kenya, Malaya, Northern Ireland, Iraq, London, Madrid, New York and many other places.
The top researcher on 'NATO-CIA terrorism' is Dr. Daniele Ganser, a Swiss historian and Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Ganser is the author of NATO's Secret Armies - Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe.
It happened in Belgium.
In 1984, a squad of US Marines was parachuted into Belgium, and met by a member of the Belgian military intelligence. (NATO, Gladio and the strategy of tension. N.A.T.O stay behind.:)
They hid for a fortnight before attacking the police station in Vielsalm. Weapons and ammumition were stolen. A belgian police officer was murdered.
In 1991, a Belgian Senate investigation proved that this attack was the work of the American and Belgian military.
Further attacks took place in Belgium. More arms and ammunition were stolen in these attacks. This stolen weaponry was handed over to fascist groups.
Around this time in Belgium, extremists were carrying out the so-called Brabant Massacres.
These were a group of attacks over a period of two years.
Groups of armed men would burst into restaurants and supermarkets and start shooting.
For example, on 9 November 1985, armed hooded men entered a supermarket and opened fire.
Eight people were killed.
Belgian soldiers roasting a boy. The Belgian military has been linked to massacres carried out in Belgian supermarkets in the 1980s.
An official report published on the Brabant Massacres in 1990 concluded that the killers were linked to people in the government.
"According to the report, the killers were members or former members of the security forces - extreme right-wingers who enjoyed high-level protection and were preparing a right-wing coup." (NATO’s Secret Armies, pg 145)
It should be noted that "The Supermarket massacres occurred during the period when the U.S. was pushing a plan to base the Euro-Missiles (nuclear-tipped Cruise missiles) in different European countries..."
"The Belgian Parliament, which investigated the incidents, felt that they were another attempt to sow confusion and fear among the populace, thereby generating public outcries for a law-and-order government which would be amenable to the Euro-Missiles." - (http://www.etext.org/Politics/Autonome.Forum/Antifa/gladio)
Belgian nobleman Benoit de Bonvoisin has been linked to the supermarket massacres. (Belgium Explained y / aangirfan: MADELEINE McCANN & CERTAIN FASCISTS)
The purpose of most terrorism is to keep the rich elite in power.
The military's 'stay behind' groups have been linked to terrorist acts in Europe dating back to 1944.
In 1944, in Greece, agents of the government opened fire on peaceful protesters in Athens. 25 people were killed.
In the 1960s, CIA-NATO 'secret armies' were used to keep pro-USA governments in power in Greece, Italy and Turkey.
In 1969, a bomb exploded in a bank in Piazza Fontana, Milan, killing 16.
In 1999 the former head of Italy's military intelligence, General Maletti declared that the Piazza Fontana bomb was masterminded by the CIA-NATO's Operation Gladio secret armies, and right-wing terrorists, at the behest of the CIA.
According to a news story in the Sydney Morning Herald, 2 November 2002, "Some time around the 30 October 2002, senior officers in the Indonesian military HQ gave a piece of information to a military attache from a Western embassy in Indonesia - the source of explosive used in the October 12 bombing in Bali was the head of the counter-terrorism unit with the army's special forces." The father-in-law of the officer concerned is Hendropriyono, Indonesia's spy chief.
In 1980, bombs exploded in a Bologna railway station, and at Munich's Oktoberfest, killing a total of 98 people.
In both cases, links are found to both right-wing extremists and the CIA-NATO secret armies (aka Gladio groups or 'stay behind' groups). (NATO, Gladio and the strategy of tension. N.A.T.O stay behind ...)
In 2010 it was revealed that NATO generals plotted to bomb crowded mosques in İstanbul and plotted to down a Turkish plane and blame this on Greece. (Reactions grow against Sledgehammer military plot )
On 30 January 2010, we learn that elements of the Turkish military, linked to Ergenekon, devised Operation Cage as part of its plans to topple the Turkish government. (Cage probe deepens with Poyrazköy indictment)
Operation Cage included the idea of detonating explosives during school field trips to military museums.The intention was to kill lots of kids.
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