1. Indonesia and Russia are to set up a joint anti-terror working group.
They already have a cooperation agreement on counterterrorism. (RI, Russia to form joint anti-terror working group)
Indonesia needs to worry about the CIA-Mossad assets within its police and military.
2. Iran says that ties with Indonesia "could serve as the main capital for planning strategic, deep and all-out ties."
Jakarta has labeled as 'lies' Western claims that Iran is aiming for nuclear weapons. (Austria Joins Iranian Axis, along with Indonesia)
Indonesia has rich generals and poor rubbish collectors.
3. Indonesia's economy has been growing almost as fast as that in China and India.
4. So, there is an alleged plot, by Islamic extremists, to kill Indonesia's President Yudhoyono. (Aceh group planned to kill Yudhoyono
In a TV documentary, Indonesia's former president, Abdurrahman Wahid, talked of the involvement of elements of the Indonesian police and military in terrorism.
Wahid was saying in 2005 of the Bali bombings: "The orders to do this or that came from within our armed forces... There is not a single Islamic group ... that is not controlled by (Indonesian) intelligence."
Elements of Indonesia's intelligence services are said to work closely with the CIA.
Madsen: 'CIA involved in Jakarta bombings'
Has Obama lost Indonesia?
In the mid 1960s, the CIA put the generals into power in Indonesia.
The current president of Indonesia, Yudhoyono, is an American trained former general.
According to a story in the Washington Post, 29 March 2010, Some powerful people in Indonesia now praise China and seek to copy China's fight against the USA.
In March 2010, in Jakarta, there was a meeting which brought together both the Moslem Hizb ut-Tahrir organisation and secular nationalists.
At this meeting, the former chief of staff of the Indonesian army, Tyasno Sudarto, denounced the United States.
Sudarto praised China as a model of how to stand up to the USA.
Sudarto said: "We should do what China has done; America must follow our rules."
Back in the 1960s, most Indonesian Moslems and most Indonesian generals saw China as the enemy.
In 1998, it appeared that foreign speculators were undermining the Indonesian economy.
Some people blamed George Soros. (1997 Asian Financial Crisis - Wikipedia /Financial plot; Soros; Russia Iran Venezuela; Indonesia )
In 1998, there were anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia and Indonesia's president Suharto was toppled.
Many suspect that the CIA used pro-CIA elements in the Indonesian military to organise the riots and thus topple Suharto. Indonesian
Has China now won Indonesia?
According to Juwono Sudarsono, a former Indonesian defence minister, "Lingering suspicion of China is still present but this is offset by admiration for China's successes."
Indonesian industrialists and farmers are worried about increased Chinese imports, resulting from the CAFTA free-trade zone made up of China, Indonesia and other Southeast Asian nations.
Go to Jakarta's nightclubs and you may see lots of Chinese. (China growing influence ‘good for RI’)
In mid March 2010, President Obama, again postponed his visit to Indonesia. (Obama ditches Indonesia, Australia trip over health care )
Obama lived in Indonesia, the world's 4th biggest country in terms of population, from 1967 to 1971.
But in Jakarta there was strong opposition to the statue of a 10-year-old Obama erected in a park in the middle of the city.
The statue had to be moved to a school. (Outcry forces Obama statue removal)
Indonesian model Tiara Lestari
According to Dino Patti Djalal, Indonesian President Yudhoyono's special advisor on international affairs: "America's image in Indonesia has taken a beating in the last 10 years."
According to Dino, this is related to the belief that US investors helped cause the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis that more or less bankrupted Indonesia. (US, Indonesia in a tentative embrace)
In 2008, the then health minister Siti Fadillah Supari shut down the US Naval Medical Research Unit, known as NAMRU-2.
It was suspected that this US unit had been involved in espionage. (US, Indonesia in a tentative embrace)
China has increased its trade and defence ties with Indonesia.
Indonesia's powerful Army Special Force, Kopassus, has cooperated with China. (RI vows to remain neutral amid global power shift )
Indonesia and China signed a strategic partnership during the visit of President Hu Jintao to Jakarta in 2005.
When Obama eventually comes to Jakarta, the US and Indonesia are expected to sign "a comprehensive agreement that some analysts believe could signal a strategic shift in US policy towards the region." (US, Indonesia in a tentative embrace)
Obama wants to counter China's rising influence in the region.
The US wants to control the Malacca Strait, one of the world's busiest shipping lanes.
According to Evan Laksmana, a researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta, "The US needs to ensure that our waterways don't fall into China's hands ... US operations in the Middle East still depend on control of these waterways." (US, Indonesia in a tentative embrace)
Around 80% of China's imports, including oil, pass through the Malacca Strait.
There is a suspicion that the USA is using terrorism to influence Indonesia.
Bombs hit Bali in 2002.
The USA then "gradually strengthened ties with segments of Indonesia's military and law enforcement agencies." (US, Indonesia in a tentative embrace)
In early March 2010, Hillary Clinton told a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting that the US hopes to expand its military partnership with Indonesia.
China takes an interest in Indonesia's natural resources, including oil and coal.
Indonesia needs investment in infrastructure.
But it has "a rotten parliament and legal system". (Waiting for the man)
Will China help build better roads, hospitals, houses and schools?
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