Reportedly, the security services carry out acts of terrorism.
They then kidnap and torture innocent people.
Vast numbers of secret prisons are set up.
In these prisons, the innocent people are tortured into confessing to crimes they did not commit.
This is the secret behind Guantánamo
According to Thierry Meyssan, French political analyst and founder of the Voltaire Network, one example of an innocent person is 'Sheikh Mohammed'.
"He was arrested in Pakistan and accused of being an Islamist Kuwaiti, although it was clearly a case of mistaken identity.
"After being tortured at length and, in particular, subjected to waterboarding 183 times during the single month of March 2003, the individual finally confessed to being ... Sheikh Mohammed and to having organized 31 different attacks in the four corners of the earth, including the one at the World Trade Center in New York in 1993, as well as the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, the beheading of journalist Daniel Pearl and, last but not least, the attacks of September 11, 2001.
"Pseudo-Sheikh Mohammed maintained his confession before a military commission, but it was not possible for the lawyers and military judges to question him in public, for fear that once outside his cage he might renege on his confession...
"If one adds up all the people who over the past eight years have been taken prisoner in war zones or abducted anywhere in the world, a total of 80,000 persons are likely to have transited through the system...
"Consequently, the dilemma faced by the Obama administration is the following: it will not be possible to close Guantanamo without disclosing what was being done there.
"And it will be impossible to do that without also acknowledging that all the confessions obtained are false and were deliberately inculcated under torture, with the political consequences that it entails."
The public also has to be brainwashed.
The CIA "appointed an agent to liaise with Hollywood, Colonel Brandon Chase, and hired famous writers (like Tom Clancy) and scriptwriters to write new films and television series.
"The aim was to stigmatise Muslim culture and trivialise torture in the name of fighting terrorism.
"For instance, the adventures of agent Jack Bauer in the 24H series, were copiously subsidised by the CIA..." (The secret behind Guantánamo )
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the so-called mastermind of 9-11, is believed to have attended college in North Carolina.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed worked for the CIA in Afghanistan. (http://www.nogw.com/cia.html)
In Manila, he met associates in karaoke bars and giant go-go clubs filled with mirrors, flashing lights and bikini-clad dancers. He held meetings at four-star hotels. He took scuba-diving lessons at a coastal resort. When he wasn't with the go-go dancers, he courted a Filipina dentist.
Once, he rented a helicopter and flew it over her office, then called her on his mobile phone and told her to look up and wave. Other members of the terror cell Mohammed led had local girlfriends as well. (Dancing girls and romance on road to terrorist attacks - smh.com.au)
The real Shaikh Mohammed is considered by many analysts to be an agent of the Pakistan intelligence service ISI, which is generally considered to be controlled by the CIA.
Robert Fisk, 3 March 2003, in the Independent, wrote:
"Mr Mohammed was an ISI asset; indeed, anyone who is 'handed over' by the ISI these days is almost certainly a former (or present) employee of the Pakistani agency, whose control of Taliban operatives amazed even the Pakistani government during the years before 2001. Mr Pearl, it should be remembered, arranged his fatal assignation in Karachi on a mobile phone from an ISI office." (A Breakthrough in the War on Terror? I'll Believe it When We See ...)
US counter-terrorism officials claim Shaikh Mohammed was in Germany before the 9 11 attacks, liaising with Mohamed Atta. A secretive U.S. eavesdropping agency monitored telephone conversations. But, the Germans weren't told about it – and when they asked Washington for further information, none was forthcoming.
There was already a $2 million reward for Mohammed in 1998. In 2000, the CIA monitered his presence at an al Qaeda meeting, yet they didn't arrest him. Why wasn't the 9/11 plot discovered in June 2001 when US intelligence learned Mohammed was sending terrorists to live in the US. (Context of 'May 11, 2004: White House Gives Top Prisoner Access to ... )
And is the real Shaikh Mohammed still alive?
Asia Times, 30 February 2002:
"Ever since the frenzied shootout last month on September 11 2002 in Karachi there have been doubts over whether Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed head of al-Qaeda's military committee, died in the police raid on his apartment.
"Now it has emerged that Kuwaiti national Khalid Shaikh Mohammed did indeed perish in the raid, but his wife and child were taken from the apartment and handed over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in whose hands they remain." Asia Times
"The person making the confession in the secret military tribunal in Cuba can barely speak English. The real KSM, on the other hand, was educated in the United States and had obtained a degree in mechanical engineering from an American university in 1986."( Terror Mastermind KSM is an Imposter - The Confession is Fake )
aangirfan: She was only four years old when the experiments started.
The classic false flag operation.
Classic Double Agents in False Flag Operations
Classic State Terrorism
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