On 20 February 2011, the excellent Land Destroyer blog has a post about Libya conquered in the dark
According to Tony Cartalucci:
1. The purpose of the US-UK coups in North Africa and the Middle East is to "shut down the Middle East", then "shut down China and Russia", then "rule the world."
2. The propaganda against Libya is being run by the mainstream media and 'the US State Department's army of bloggers'.
3. BBC propagandist Jon Leyne told viewers it seemed as if "all of Egypt" had turned out in Tahrir Square.
Best estimates of the crowd range from 50,000 to no more than 100,000 (0.1% of Egypt's population.)
4. "For the BBC and AlJazeera to call the Libyan government's response to arsonists, looters, vandals, and now dangerously and overtly armed mobs, a 'massacre,' seems somewhat disingenuous and very similar to their coverage of the US-backed mobs that took to the streets in Bangkok in May, 2010...
Libyans by Eric Lafforgue
5. "The possibility that violence is also being employed by ... foreign agitators cannot be entirely ruled out.
"The US think-tank Brookings Institute dedicated an entire chapter in their report regarding Iran, to fueling color revolutions and the prospect of using military force to help counter Iranian security forces...
6. "In Bangkok, in 2010, protesters in the street following US-backed, deposed PM Thaksin Shinwatra were bolstered by a shadowy militant group under the command of key protest leaders.
"They instigated a bloodbath on April 10, 2010 in an attempt to force the government to take responsibility and step down.
"The violence and 91 deaths that resulted between Thai security forces and this militant group has laid the foundation of globalist lawyer Robert Amsterdam's attempts to target the Thai government nearly a year later...
7. "The greatest clue that all is not what it seems and that foreign hands are meddling in the affairs of these nations is the fact that paid propagandists like BBC and AlJazeera are clearly taking sides instead of doing their supposed job of objective reporting...
8. "We have already noted beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Egyptian and Tunisian protests are entirely the result of Western meddling, where even the props used by the protesters were 'recycled' from a previous and admitted US-backed plot in Serbia."
Tripoli by giogalluz
Libya's state broadcaster quoted Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the son of the Libyan leader, as saying that armed forces had "bombarded arms depots situated far from populated areas".
He denied that air strikes had taken place in Tripoli and Benghazi.
Libya was once one of the poorest countries in the world.
Is the CIA-NATO using mercenaries to create chaos?
"Many of the mercenaries did not speak Arabic but only French 'making them impossible to reason with.'
"'They don't ask questions - they just shoot live ammunition.'" (From here)
Happy Tripoli children by CharlesFred
20 Feb 2011
Libya arrests Arab 'network' for destabilising country
TRIPOLI: Libyan authorities have arrested dozens of members of a "network" of Arab nationals allegedly seeking to destabilise the country, the official Jana news agency reported Saturday.
Those detained in several Libyan cities were members of a "foreign network (and were) trained to damage Libya's stability, the safety of its citizens and national unity."
Sources close to the investigation, quoted by the agency, said the group included Tunisian, Egyptian, Sudanese, Palestinian, Syrian and Turkish citizens.
Those arrested were "charged with inciting acts of looting and sabotage, such as burning hospitals, banks, courts, prisons, police stations and offices of the military police, as well as public buildings and private properties, according to plans drawn up earlier," Jana said.
Noting that "certain Libyan cities have been the scene of acts of sabotage and destruction since Tuesday," Jana said the suspects sought to "take arms from police stations and the military police and use them."
"Sources close to the investigation have not ruled out Israel being behind the network," the news agency added.
Thanks to Brian and http://canadianspectator.ca/ for the links
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