Lia Abramovitch, an Israeli-born investigative journalist, reportedly writes for the Syriatruth website.
Reportedly, Abramovitch has found evidence that Julian Assange 'struck a deal with Israel.'
According to this alleged deal, Julian Assange agreed to withhold cables incriminating Israel.
Reportedly, Abramovitch cites former WikiLeaks spokesperson Daniel Domscheit-Berg as her source.
Domscheit-Berg reportedly said that Assange received money from semi-official Israeli sources.
(Israel appears only in 77 Wikileaks docs. /
http://www.syriatruth.info/content/view/977/36/ /
Rebuttal to Article Alleging a Deal with ...)
HOWEVER, Daniel Domscheit-Berg now denies the rumor about Assange-Israeli Deals, according to Cryptome
According to the BBC (Wikileaks: Barriers to possible US Assange prosecution):
"In 2005, two pro-Israel lobbyists associated with Aipac, an Israeli interest group, were indicted and accused of obtaining government information and spreading it to colleagues, journalists and Israeli diplomats.
"But prosecutors dropped the charges after a judge ruled they would have to prove the pair knew distributing the information would hurt the US.
"In Mr Assange's case, lawyer Baruch Weiss, who represented the pro-Israel lobbyists, noted in a Washington Post article that Secretary of Defence Robert Gates has said the leaked diplomatic cables were embarrassing but would have only "modest" consequences for US foreign policy."
According to Gordon Duff (Israel, Spying, US Security, Wikileaks and Julian Assange.):
Wikileaks' leaks "were carefully edited, thousands of reports were reconstructed and falsified and hundreds of thousands were removed as inconsistent with an unknown political agenda.
"This requires full access to Pentagon computer systems, PROMIS software and hundreds of man hours.
"It requires, in fact, a broad spy operation inside the Pentagon that enjoys its ability to operate with impunity.
"Wikileaks carries an Israeli signature, the leaks damn only Israeli enemies, shield Israeli operations and are time to serve Israeli interests.
"Hundreds of Israeli citizens work in the Pentagon.
"None of this should be a surprise to anyone."
According to journalist Gianluca D'Agostino (If Wikileaks Were A Movie Would It Be "Wag The Dog".):
"We are used to think the Watergate scandal was discovered by those two journalists at the Washington Post: Bernstein and Woodward.
"But Woodward was a former Naval Intelligence officer, he worked at the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence).
"While in the Navy Bob Woodward was the briefing officer for Admiral Moorer, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who had authorized his subordinates to spy on the White House's National Security Counsel.....
"Woodward during the Watergate investigation was fed by the FBI through deep throat, aka FBI Associate Director Mark Felt.
"Woodward's supervisor was Ben Bradlee, a former CIA propaganda officer. During his service Bradlee joined the staff of the Office of U.S. Information and Educational Exchange (USIE), the embassy's propaganda unit.
"USIE produced films, magazines, research, speeches, and news items for use by the CIA throughout Europe.
"USIE (later known as USIA) also controlled the Voice of America, a means of disseminating pro-American 'cultural information' worldwide....Do I have to go on?
"In practice the Watergate was a news show run by the United States Intelligence community?
"However the Watergate wasn't a scandal it was just a smooth way to get rid of Richard Nixon.
"Let's make an hypothesis: the same thing is happening now with this Wikileaks files..."
"The truth is Wikileaks is more a typical public relations campaign that just sells propaganda to the dumbs." (Is Wikileaks the new Pentagon P.R. office?)
At Global Research, on 10 December 2010, F. William Engdahl reminds us that Wikileaks is a Big Dangerous US Government Con Job
Among the points made:
1. Wikileaks promotes the US agenda on Iran and elsewhere.
2. Wikileaks will likely be used to police the Internet.
3. The New York Times assigned David E. Sanger to control the release of the Wikileaks material.
Sanger sits as a member of the elite Council on Foreign Relations as well as the Aspen Institute Strategy Group together with the likes of Condi Rice, former Defense Secretary William Perry, former CIA head John Deutch, former State Department Deputy Secretary and now World Bank head Robert Zoellick among others.
4. Assange says he believes the US Government version of 9/11 and calls the Bilderberg Group a normal meeting of people.
5. The 250,000 cables are not "top secret" Most of the revelations so far have been unspectacular.
"But for anyone who has studied the craft of intelligence and of disinformation, a clear pattern emerges in the Wikileaks drama."
The leaks appear as Hillary Clinton put it "to justify US sanctions against Iran."
6. "The entire scandal is serving to advance a long-standing Obama and Bush agenda of policing the until-now free Internet.
7. In 2009 Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller and Republican Olympia Snowe introduced the Cybersecurity Act of 2009.
It would give the President unlimited power to disconnect private-sector computers from the internet.
8. The US Department of Homeland Security are quietly seizing and shutting down internet websites.
Twelfth Bough: half true means worse than useless
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