The 'terrorist' explosion in Sweden, on 11 December 2010, was presumably the work of the military, using some brainwashed patsy.
The Swedish media reported on 12 December 2010:
A few hours before the explosions in downtown Stockholm, someone in the Swedish military contacted a friend to warn them to stay away from Stockholm's Queen Street, where the bombs went off. (The "terrorist bomb" in Sweden just got a bit weird.)
"A Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten) employee warned an acquaintance to stay clear of an area in central Stockholm on Saturday where, several hours later, two explosions went off in what is being called a terrorist attack.
"If you can, avoid Drottninggatan today. A lot can happen there…just so you know," the message said, according to the TT news agency." (Military staffer knew about attacks: report - The Local)
In 1951, CIA agent William Colby, based at the CIA station in Stockholm, supported the training of stay-behind armies in neutral Sweden. (Sweden)
Since then the CIA and its friends have been very active in Sweden.
Terror in Sweden, the Christmas Day underpants bomber and mayhem in Mumbai (DAVID HEADLEY AND OSAMA BIN LADEN) - all are linked to the security services.
When former UK student Umar Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian, was arrested with explosives in his underpants, it was assumed that he was a patsy, manipulated by the CIA and its friends.
Intelligence officers did nothing to stop Abdulmutallab, the Christmas Day Bomber, from getting on that plane. (UNDERWEAR MAN IN BED WITH INDIANS?)
On 13th December 2010 we read about the man who apparently died in the Stockholm blasts.
Reportedly, a car burst into flames on a busy street in Stockholm.
Reportedly, Iraqi-born Taimour Abdulwahab Al-Abdaly (Taymour Abdel Wahab/ Taimur Abdul Wahab), 28, was found dead.
Sweden's prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt "said it was too early to know whether the man... was... responsible for the car bomb." (Financial Times, 13 December 2010)
The CIA-linked 'Islamist' website Shumukh al-Islam named Taymour Abdel Wahab as the man responsible for the explosions.
Abdulwahab had spent much of the last ten years in the UK town of Luton - long known as a hotbed of Mossad and MI5 activity - where he studied for a degree and continued living there with his wife and children.
He moved to Sweden with his family from Iraq when he was 11. He came to Britain in 2001 to study sports therapy at the University of Luton, now the University of Bedfordshire.
He moved back to Sweden more recently and is believed to have separated from his wife, but they have not divorced.
Reportedly, on his Facebook 'he says he is a member of the group Islamic Caliphate State.'
Mark Gobell (9/11 Building 7 - News Feeds) noted that "77 days earlier, on 25 September, a Boeing 777 was involved in an eventnat Stockholm's Arlanda airport - 11 months and 9 days after the, then secret, arrest on 16.10.09 of Colleen 'Jihad Jane' LaRose on charges including incitement to murder Lars Vilks."
aangirfan: SEXY SWEDEN
aangirfan: Mossad in Sweden; Pentagon plots
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