Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli-born British jazz musician, author and activist.
He has denounced both Zionism and Judaism.
At The Omani Brown Eagle we read "an Interview with Gilad Atzmon"
( - 27 June 2010)
Among the points made:
1. In order to create a large Israeli empire, Israel is planning to expel all the Palestinians from Israel and Palestine.
And Israel is planning to have Iran attacked.
Israel is prepared to ignore the USA if necessary.
2. US foreign and defence policy has been shaped by AIPAC (the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee).
The USA wants to control the Middle East and its oil and gas.
However, the alliance with Israel has meant expensive oil.
Saddam Hussein was removed, but oil prices didn't drop.
Website for this image
3. The Zionists have destroyed the American empire, just as they previously weakened Britain and France.
The Zionists are responsible for the Credit Crunch.
Greenspan's economy boom is linked to Wolfowitz' wars.
The 'War on Terror' is designed to help Israel.
4. The Political parties in the USA and UK are funded heavily by Jewish pro Israeli lobbies.
"It is far cheaper to buy a western politician than buying a tank.
"It is far cheaper to recruit a ‘new friend of Israel’ than flying an F15 for one hour."
5. Britain's Balfour Declaration was designed to please Jewish German bankers and Jewish Russian bankers.
These bankers were to fund the USA's entry into World War I.
Two months after the Declaration, America was in the war.
6. General Petraeus and his military advisers are realising that America is about to lose its grip in the Arab and Muslim world.
7. Israel likes to control the politics of certain countries.
"In terms of British politics there is an obvious ideological continuum between the Political Friend of Israel (Lord cash machine Levy) the advocates for the war within the media (Aaronovitch, Cohen) and the British neo-con think tank ( Euston Manifesto )."
8. For very many years, the Left blocked any attempt to reveal global Zionism and Jewish power.
9. David Miliband, an Israeli propagandist and possible leader of the UK Labour Party, has favoured allowing Israeli war criminals to visit the UK.
What is so unique about AIPAC, David Miliband and various Friends of Israel "is the fact that right out in the open they promote the interests of a foreign government."
10. In the case of Israel, "we are confronted with an ideology that dismisses our notion of humanism, kindness and compassion...
"If we want to help Israelis we may as well make it clear to them that we actually see through them...
"We are dealing here with a lethal collective that is driven by deadly psychosis against humanity and humanism...
"The Zionists didn’t invent evil.
"Zionism is an attempt to exercise some colonial barbarism in a world that has moved on from that kind of political philosophy...
"Zionism ... is a racist, anti humanist ideology that must be confronted."
11. What about Islam?
"There is a clear differentiation between the liberal Western discourse that celebrates individualism and the Eastern tribal discourse that values family, the community and culture...
"Jewish ancient blood ritual involves blood sucking and chopping of male infant sexual organ. As it happens Jewish parents, both secular religious let a Rabbi circumcise and suck the blood of their sons when they are just 8 days old."
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