How the summits stack up G2o
"The recent release from prison of several high-profile suspects who stand accused of membership in a terrorist organization and working to foment chaos in society in order to provoke a military coup has spurred unease in society, with many jurists strongly questioning the impartiality of the higher judiciary." - Release of terror, coup suspects undermines trust in judiciary
"Turkey now has to pay the political price for its solidarity with the Palestinian people, even perhaps a coup, the warning signs for which have already appeared across the Middle East." - Turkey is paying the price on our behalf
NYT planted story on Afghan mineral wealth to prolong U.S. occupation, spur Petraeus presidential bid (Video)
Leader of Death Squads Wins Colombian Election
The Mysterious Death of Dr David Kelly: Damning New Evidence Points to a Cover-up by Tony Blair's Government
Mission accomplished? Not for the Iraqi people
US military chief in Israel for top-level talks
The happiest people I have met recently were nurses in a hospital.
While I was visiting a patient, a male nurse told me that he really loved his job.
Nurses have to wipe old men's bottoms, but this does not prevent the nurses being happy.
It's got something to do with being unselfish.
Buddha encouraged people to be happy.
People in Buddhist-influenced countries are generally happier than most.
Tim Parks has written 'Teach Us to Sit Still'.
Tim Parks had chronic aches and pains.
It was eventually suggested to him that this had something to do with his 'mind' creating 'tensions'.
He spent ten days with Buddhists.
They made reference to getting rid of 'selfishness'.
Parks realised that he had put a lot of effort into pursuing fame, and not spent enough time with family and friends.
Tim Parks got rid of his aches and pains.
Enjoying the moment
"Teach Us to Sit Still", according to the review in The Observer is "a lovely, well-told story, an investigation into the relationship between mind and body, and a joy to read for anyone with hypochondriac tendencies."
Parks came to realise that, as a writer, he was thinking a lot about the 'past' and the 'future', and this was causing tensions.
Parks learns to relax, sit still and stop worrying. Enjoying the moment.
Tackling terrorism
Tropical Storm Alex Threatens Mexico, May Spare BP Cleanup
Pakistan scans Google, other sites for blasphemy
Michael Jackson death: One year later
An Inconvenient Truth: Manho Al Gore is a Crazed Sex Poodle
Charlie Manson was at Boys Town.
Reportedly, Nuremberg's Judge Biddle was Manson's father.
Did the Operation Paperclip people use the bastard son of the judge? Manson loves to rant about Nuremberg. - Does anybody know?
Ajmal Kasab: Guilty? Or Framed
Israeli Leaders Sued in Belgium for War Crimes
Let's get Belgium?
Let's see what zero tolerance really means
Sir Elton John sings for Israel
Sir Elton John received £1 million after The Sun newspaper claimed he had sex with underage rentboys. - Elton John
How The Media Misreports on Venezuela, Even When Given Full Information
"Our new revelations include the ambiguous nature of the wording on Dr Kelly’s death certificate; the existence of an anonymous letter which says his colleagues were warned to stay away from his funeral; and an extraordinary claim that the wallpaper at Dr Kelly’s home was stripped by police in the hours after he was reported missing - but before his body was found." -Dr David Kelly: The damning new evidence that points to a cover-up.
"If the Spanish banking system collapses, then Santander will find itself in a very difficult position." dailymail.3
What is consciousness?
Is there a Theory Of Everything (TOE)?
There is an attempt to describe a Theory of Everything in the trilogy of books "My Big TOE" by nuclear physicist Tom Campbell, who claims to have had out of body experiences.
Some physicists suggest there is a universal consciousness, which may be evolving.
That's where we come in.
According to Campbell, consciousness is the large system and our universe is one of the subsystems.
According to Campbell, we have a series of lives which help us to evolve.
At present "we are in one of the lower grades in a rough part of town."
Iscatus: has a review of My Big Toe
The Malleable Light tells us more about Thomas Campbell
Canadian Omar Khadr, who, since the age of 15, has been illegally imprisoned at Guantanamo (Omar Khadr - Wikipedia). Does the CIA control, Canada?
Canada's spy boss, Richard Fadden, says that some of Canada's politicians are agents of foreign powers. (Warning over Canada politicians)
Richard Fadden did not tell us whether or not he is an agent of a foreign power.
And what about Stephen Harper?
Deux garçons du quartier Rosemont à Montréal portent des vieux pneus de voiture et des chaussures à un centre de récupération du caoutchouc pour les forces armées.
Akram Zatmeh has described how 'Canadians' recruited him as a spy.
"Akram Zatmeh, 22, claims he supplied information to agents posing as Canadians that helped Israel pinpoint the whereabouts of a senior Hamas leader.
"The leader was later assassinated by Israeli forces in a July 23 missile attack that also killed 14 others, including nine children.
"The informant claimed he was recruited by three agents who said they were Canadians and took him to the Canadian embassy in Tel Aviv before coercing him with promises of travel to Canada and threats to distribute fake photos showing him in sexual encounters...
"Martin Rudner, director of the Canadian Centre of Intelligence and Security Studies at Carleton University's Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, said the tactics described by Mr. Zatmeh were common." (Israeli Mossad Spies Accused Of Posing As Canadians) Igor Gouzenko.
In 1945, Igor Gouzenko defected from the KGB, walked into an Ottawa newsroom and announced that he had details of Soviet spy rings operating in Canada and in the UK.
Gouzenko's case was passed on to MI6's Kim Philby who was secretly on the side of Russia and Israel.
Russia and Israel shared intelligence.
Philby suggested Gouzenko should be interviewed by Roger Hollis of MI5, who was allegedly a Soviet agent.
According to The Times, 9 March 2010, Serge Serykh claimed to have been a member of the Russia secret service. (Suicide refugee, Serge Serykh, 'was member of Russia secret service' )
Serge Serykh also claimed that he had uncovered a plot by the Canadian Government to assassinate the Queen.
Serge Serykh, along with his wife and stepson, were living on the 15th floor of a tower block in Glasgow.
On 7 March 2010, all three were found dead, roped together, at the foot of the tower block.
Serge Serykh had been given refugee status in Canada in 2000.
Reportedly he had offered his skills as an alleged former member of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) to the Canadian Government.
He claimed he had evidence of a foreign spy network across Canada.
In 2007 Canada rejected his application for citizenship.
He accused the Canadian authorities of having used mind-altering psychotronic techniques against him.
He left Canada in late 2007 and eventually ended up in the UK where he applied for asylum.
He moved to Glasgow in autumn 2009.
His case for asylum in the UK was based on his belief that because of an alleged deal between Stephen Harper, the Canadian Prime Minister, and former President Putin of Russia, he would be killed by Canadian security agents if he was returned to Canada.
In 2009, the UK authorities rejected Serykh's application for asylum, on the ground that he still had refugee status in Canada.
Blair and Berezovsky ( Reportedly, Sergey Serykh knew who killed Alexander Litvinenko, whose name has been linked to the Russian-Israeli mafia.
The dead Alexander Litvinenko has been linked to the dead Sergey Serykh, whose body was found at the foot of a tower block in Glasgow, on 7 March 2010.
Ex-Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko may have had links to the Russian-Israeli Mafia and to the smuggling of radioactive materials. (New wrinkle in Litvinenko's death )
Litvinenko and exiled Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky may have been working for the British security services. (Litvinenko suspect: MI5 'tried to recruit me')
"The role of Boris Berezovsky in the Beslan massacre has never been made clear - but there is a growing belief that Litvinenko's silence was sought by people other than Putin..." (Matrioshka - The Russian enigma._)
Berezovsky reportedly poured millions into the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine. (scotsman.2374152005)
Russian politician Mr Zhirinovsky has said "he was convinced that Blair was personally interested in keeping Berezovsky on British soil, claiming that the Blairs were receiving financial support from 'criminal elements'.
"Cherie Blair, Zhirinovsky continued, works in a law firm 'which is servicing our Russian thugs, Berezovsky included.' Those are dozens of 'extremists' including Berezovsky and Akhmed Zakayev, as well as 'nearly all of the Yukos top executives', he added." (
Image from Mail on Sunday (Daughter of asylum-seeker.)
Sergey Serykh was found dead at the foot of a tower block in Glasgow.
According to Vitali Alexandrovich, Sergey Serykh's landlord in London, Sergey "said that since he defected from the Ukrainian secret services they were trying to assassinate him.
"He said he knew who had killed Alexander Litvinenko (the Russian dissident poisoned in London in 2006)." (Daughter of asylum-seeker.)
Sergey's step-daughter Karina lives in Moscow.
Asked about Sergey's spy plot claims, she said: 'I don't want to talk about this.
"Some of it is true."
She did not deny any of Sergey's claims. (Daughter of asylum-seeker.)
Sergey had said that Russia's security services would also try to kill him and his family if they returned to his native Ukraine.
The Mail on Sunday (Daughter of asylum-seeker.) has discovered that when Sergey arrived in Britain in 2007 he was well off.
He was born in Zaporozhe in the Ukraine.
Apparently, he was in the Russian army from at least 1994 to 1996.
He and his family moved to Canada in 2000.
They were described as being vegetarian and Hindu. They ran a health business.
In 2005, the family was given 'protected person' status. This means it was believed that, if they returned 'to their country of nationality or former habitual residence they would be subject to the possibility of torture, risk of life, or risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment'.
The family was given permanent residency in Canada.
Then suddenly they fled from Canada to contionental Europe and eventually to London and then Glasgow. He claimed he had uncovered a government plot, involving Stephen Harper, to assassinate the Queen.
For 18 months Sergey and family rented a comfortable apartment in Wembley Park in London.
They "never struggled to meet the £1,250 monthly rent."
Vitali Alexandrovich, Serykh's landlord said: "He seemed to have plenty of money...
"He said the Russian secret service were also after him, which is why he had fled to Canada in the first place."
Sergey Serykh claimed that a deal existed between Stephen Harper, the Canadian prime minister, and former Russian president Vladimir Putin that meant he would be killed by Canadian security agents if he returned there.
According to Wayne Madsen ("james bond" plot to down putin behind litvinenko):
"The London offices of ISC Global, now known as RISC Management, were visited in November 2006 by Litvinenko and Russian businessmen Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun and traces of polonium-210 were discovered there.
"According to the Sunday Times of London, Russian police are also investigating whether the poisoning of Litvinenko and the attempted poisoning of Globuvich are connected to the radiation poisoning death two years ago of Roman Tsepov, a former bodyguard of Putin when he was deputy Mayor of St. Petersburg.
"Tsepov was involved in the Russian government's tracking of Yukos assets. Also of interest are connections to the June 2004 assassination of Forbes Russian edition editor-in-chief Paul Klebnikov, a U.S. citizen who wrote a damaging expose of Berezovsky.
"Three Chechen contract killers were charged in Klebnikov's murder. The same Russian-Israeli mob ring is also being looked at in the investigation of the assassination of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya of Novaya Gazeta as a way to embarrass Putin...
"In March 2004, British attorney Stephen Curtis, the chairman of ISC Global, died, along with his pilot, in a helicopter crash near Bournemouth Airport. The two were on their way to Dublin. The Times reported a James Bond-like secret project by ISC Global, jailed Yukos tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and Nevzlin to launch an international smear campaign to discredit Putin and other members of the Russian government...
"Britain's government has been co-opted by the Russian-Israeli mobsters, much in the same way that their American colleagues, acting through neo-con proxies, ... captured control of the Bush administration."
Dr. D. Ewen Cameron was the former head of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations. (
The CIA’s Allen Dulles gave millions of dollars to organizations headed by Cameron.
Experimentations were conducted at several locations in Montreal, mostly at McGill University, St Mary’s Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute.
Cameron used technique of “psychic driving,” by which unsuspecting patients were kept in a drug induced coma for several weeks and given electroshocks, while electronic helmets were strapped to their heads and repetitive auditory messages were transmitted at variable speeds.
Many of those exploited were abused children from the Roman Catholic orphanage system.
According to the BBC:
"He was a Scottish doctor whose burning ambition was to be a scientific legend. Dr Ewen Cameron, a graduate of Glasgow University, became one of the most eminent psychiatrists in the world.
"His work in Canada in the 1950s was radical and groundbreaking but now some of his patients are finally receiving compensation...
"Cameron subjected his unsuspecting patients to massive electric shocks and a cocktail of powerful drugs in a 'brainwashing' programme funded by the CIA."
Monarch Program mind-control survivors claim to have been used as slaves by certain intelligence agencies and top-ranking politicians.
Project Monarch is part of the CIA's Project MK Ultra which is about mind control.
The original idea for this project came from research carried out by top SS German Nazi scientists (1927-1941) .The leader of this research was Himmler.
Project MK Ultra was exposed in 1970 due to law suits filed by Canadian survivors and/or their surviving families.
These survivors received the cooperation of Canadian Intelligence individuals and others who uncovered one of the CIA's original mind control research mental health facilities based in Montreal. The CIA and Canadian government settled the lawsuits out of court.
Josef Mengele, known as "the Angel of Death", was one of the approximately 900 military scientists and medical researchers secretly smuggled into the United States after World War II.
Dr Ewen Cameron's “depatterning” and “psychic driving” destroyed a patient’s personality by repeated shocks up to forty times the intensity considered safe.
In the 1950s, the CIA paid Cameron $69,000 to do this as part of their mind control operation code-named MK-ULTRA.
John Marks, author of The Search For The Manchurian Candidate, tells us: “The frequent screams of patients (usually women) that echoed through the hospital did not deter Cameron or most of his associates in their attempts to ‘depattern’ their subjects completely.
Asif Zaradri’s Formula for Perpetual Power (It is the same Formula that General Musharraf Tried but Failed)
Obama makes the right call on McChrystal
American 'Bin Laden hunter' released by Pakistan
The late Prince Albert II of Monaco, the late Grace Kelly, and, top right, Prince Albert III of monaco
Here in Monaco certain people have been asking if Prince Albert, the son of Grace Kelly, is bisexual?
Victoria Zdrok once said: "I definitely got an impression that the Prince was bisexual.
"He definitely enjoys the company of men, and may even prefer them to women." (
On 23 June 2010, we learn that Monaco's Prince Albert is to marry South African former swimmer Charlene Wittstock, his girlfriend of two years
Prince Alkbert is aged 52.
Charlene Wittstock is 32.
Albert and Charlene
Albert has faced persistent rumours that he is gay.
Albert has a 15-year-old 'illegitimate' daughter Jazmin Grace Grimaldi with Californian Tamara Rotolo.
Not a royal prince?
In 2005, former Air France air hostess Nicole Coste, from Togo, proved that her son was Albert's.
A paternity suit, brought by Bea Fiedler, a German topless model whom the Daily Telegraph described as a "sex-film star", reportedly was dismissed.
A blood test, which was refused by the judge, did not prove that the prince was the father of Fiedler's son, Daniel.
His Serene Highness Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi (front)
The spy-author Robert Eringer claims that Monaco's Prince Albert asked him to kill his love child.
Robert Eringer says he was Prince Albert III of Monaco's intelligence chief.
He claims that he conducted investigations into important people, including a woman who says the Prince kidnapped and raped her on his yacht.
Eringer claims to have seen a tape of the Prince having sex with a stripper, and that the Prince once asked him, in a discussion of the monarch's "as yet unrecognized illegitimate daughter," if Eringer could "arrange for her to have an accident."
Reportedly, Eringer wanted to prevent the penetration of Monaco by freemasons. (Prince Albert's secrets under threat from rebel spy - Times Online)
He briefed Albert "on the three masonic lodges in France and their overlap with organised crime, including links to Monaco".
Eringer says he received funds from the CIA.
Edmond Safra lived in Monaco. (
"Formed in 1966, Safra's banking and precious metals empire was founded and built primarily after the creation of the State of Israel, by Safra acting as the savvy money laundry expert for wealthy Sephardic Jews desiring to extract their fortunes as they were fleeing Arab countries where they resided...
"Edmond J. Safra died in a pre-dawn incident when two alleged masked intruders reportedly got into the heavily-secure building in Monaco, and started a fire in or near his two-story penthouse apartment..."
On 22 June 2010, at least nine people were killed by bombs in Iraq. (At least 9 Iraqis killed in bombings)
The invasion of Iraq has made life worse for the people of Iraq. (Daily hardship poses new challenge to Iraq leaders)
There are crippling power cuts.
There are severe water shortages.
Much infrastructure is crumbling.
After the elections, there is still no new government.
There is widespread corruption.
The insurgency continues.
There are over a million dead.
One Million Dead in Iraq: Our Own Holocaust Denial
World Cup offers besieged Gazans rare escape
Obama in dilemma over general after show of disrespect
Pakistan arrests 'German militant' disguised in a burka
Pakistan 10th most failed state of world
On 22 June 2010, in Istanbul, a roadside bomb killed five people on a bus. (Istanbul bomb kills people on bus)
One victim was a 17-year-old girl.
Some people may blame the PKK (Kurdish group), which reportedly has links to Mossad.
Sedat Laciner, the head of the International Strategic Research Organization, a Turkish think tank, says that Mossad agents and Israeli military retirees had been sighted providing training to PKK militants. (Turkish military kills 7 PKK militants)
There is 'deepening suspicion' about the possible Israeli involvement in the killing of seven people in a terrorist rocket attack on Turkey.
The rocket attack came on the same day Israeli soldiers attacked the humanitarian aid convoy in international waters. (Suspicion growing about possible link between PKK and Israel)
Turkey by zz77
In The New Yorker in 2006, US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh wrote that Israel and the US have been "working together in support of a Kurdish resistance group known as the Party for Free Life in Kurdistan." (Suspicion growing about possible link between PKK and Israel)
Israel has fallen out with Turkey and may want to topple Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan.
Israel may have help from certain Turks.
According to a report in The Jerusalem Post, intelligence cooperation between Mossad and the Turkish security service, MIT, "was enshrined in a 12-clause agreement that was signed during a 1993 visit to Israel by then-Turkish foreign minister Hikmat Chetin".
Soon after, according to the London-based newsletter Foreign Report, a large Mossad operation was established in Turkey, with Mossad agents based in both Istanbul and Ankara. (
It has been argued that Turkey has many crypto-Jews (Jews who appear not to be Jews).
The Young Turk movement, which set up modern Turkey at the beginning of the 20th century, is reported to have been run by crypto-Jews. (CRYPTO JEWS, TURKEY, AND 9 11)
Reportedly, the CIA, NATO and Mossad have a long history of carrying out acts of terrorism in Turkey.
In Turkey in 1960, NATO's 'stay behind army', working with the Turkish army, staged a coup d’état and killed Prime Minister Adnan Menderes. (Operation Gladio: CIA Network of "Stay Behind" Secret Armies)
Turkey, terror bombs, the CIA and Mossad
Gladio-style terror in Istanbul, New York, Jakarta, Mumbai and London, linked to 'Moslem' militants and Israel?
aangirfan: The 'CIA's coup' in Turkey in 1980