Egyptians, by Veralyn Adeyinka
1. Egypt is out of control?
"Speaking to Channel 10 on Sunday, one of the passengers on the returning El Al flight said that the Cairo demonstrations did not look as bad on the ground as they did on television."
(Returning Israelis: Egypt protests are not as bad as they seem)
Notice, in certain film footage, how the so called protestors who claim to be poor and hungry are speaking in good English.
Cairo by graspnext
2. Mubarak has failed to help the poor?
Some figures (Egypt.):
1. Between 1980 and 2007 Egypt’s Human Development Index (HDI) rose 42%.
2. Egypt’s average annual HDI growth was 10th fastest worldwide and almost double the global average.
3. Between 2005 & 2008 Poverty, as defined by those living under $2/day, fell over 11%
4. Only 16% of the population now live on less than $2 per day.
5. The Gini Index, the international measure of wealth inequality, fell 7% between 1999 & 2007.
6. The share of the poorest 10% in national income rose 5% and the share of richest 10% fell 6% in the same period.
The ratio of the wealth of the richest to the poorest 10% also fell 10%.
Egypt by upyernoz
3. Mubarak's government is worse than the USA when it comes to human rights?
The point here is that the USA and its allies control and organise the worst of the bad guys in Egypt. (What does Omar Suleiman know about Al Qaeda - Cannonfire)
The Shah allowed the CIA to run his secret police. ("Tunisia & Egypt: Manufactured Crisis? ")
A change of regime in Egypt will not stop the USA from using torture.
Mamdouh Habib, the Australian Guantanamo detainee, was tortured.
According to Richard Neville, writing in Crikey (Supporters of freedom, right?):
"In Egypt ... Habib was interrogated by the country’s intelligence director, General Omar Suleiman (said to be a CIA asset)...
"To loosen Habib’s tongue, Suleiman ordered a guard to murder a gruesomely shackled Turkistan prisoner in front of Habib – and he did, with a vicious karate kick...
"Australian officials were present during some of these sessions - and he has witness statements to that effect.
"A former Egyptian military intelligence officer working at the Cairo prison housing detainees says: 'During Habib's presence some of the Australian officials attended many times...'"
Philippines 2008. By Mio Cade
4. Revolutions make things better for the poor?
Did anyone think things were going to improve in the Philippines after the CIA toppled Marcos?
Look at the picture above, taken in 2008.
This is Russia in the 1930s, showing that poverty did not disappear after the 1917 revolution.
The French were wrong if they thought that monarchy had vanished with the 1789 bloody revolution.
In 1978, the government in Afghanistan was peaceful, moderate, progressive and non-communist.
The CIA decided to finance some extremist Moslems and put them into power in Afghanistan.
According to Andrew Gavin Marshall, at Global Research, 5 September 2010, (The “Arc of Crisis”):
Brzezinski said in a 1998 interview:
"It was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the .... regime in Kabul."
The brains behind the revolt in Egypt is most likely Brzezinski?
On 29 January 29 2011, Anthony Wile explained the Elite Desperation Over Failing Middle East Psyops
"The Anglo-American power elite has apparently decided to destablize the Middle East in order to create regulatory democracies with an Islamic tinge...
"The ultimate goal is to butress the war on terror and deliver enhanced authoritarianism to the West..."
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