Lia Abramovitch, an Israeli-born investigative journalist, reportedly writes for the Syriatruth website.

Reportedly, Abramovitch has found evidence that Julian Assange 'struck a deal with Israel.'

According to this alleged deal, Julian Assange agreed to withhold cables incriminating Israel.

Reportedly, Abramovitch cites former WikiLeaks spokesperson Daniel Domscheit-Berg as her source.

Domscheit-Berg reportedly said that Assange received money from semi-official Israeli sources.

(Israel appears only in 77 Wikileaks docs. / / Rebuttal to Article Alleging a Deal with ... /WIKILEAKS STRUCK A DEAL WITH ISRAEL OVER CABLE LEAKS)

In January 2007, John Young, who runs, left Wikileaks, claiming the operation was a CIA front.

Asian intelligence sources reportedly state that:

"Wikileaks is running a disinformation campaign, crying persecution by U.S. intelligence - when it is U.S. intelligence itself." (soros & co back wikileaks / kosher mob & oval office)

The biggest secret that Wikileaks doesn't reveal is that America needs Pakistan to support the Taliban

"The whole war is a big show, has been since the fall of Tora Bora.

"This war and the one in Iraq were both won on the battlefield after a few months of fighting.

"The decision was made to carry-on with this American Kabuki theater, where remnants of the Iraqi Army, as well as the Taliban, became mercenaries for America, Britain and Israel, staging war simulations to mislead Western audiences."
{more at Peter Chamberlin's site}

('WikiLeaks story soft, coverage a 9/11-like lie')

Julian Assange was born in 1971 in Townsville, Queensland, Australia.

Reportedly, Julian, together with his mother Claire and his half-brother, spent his childhood fleeing the father of Julian's half-brother.

That father was a member of a cult, called The Family, run by a Anne-Hamilton Byrne.

Anne-Hamilton Byrne ran her 'child-kidnapping cult' on the outskirts of Melbourne.

"Byrne dyed the stolen children’s hair blonde and fed them LSD." (Julian Assange of WikiLeaks: “Destroyer of Worlds)

"The San­ti­nike­tan Park Asso­ci­a­tion of Anne Hamilton-Byrne con­di­tioned chil­dren with drugs, sen­sory depri­va­tion, sleep depri­va­tion, tor­ture and rit­ual sex­ual abuse in order to pro­duce sub­jects who bent to the will of the group’s leader." (Wiki of the Damned)

"Assange claims that Aus­tralian intel­li­gence has advised him, and there is an appar­ent link between Aus­tralian intel­li­gence and the cult." (Wiki of the Damned)

Australian intelligence works closely with the CIA and Mossad.


"Among those on the receiv­ing end of the cult’s ser­vices was Lord Casey, for­mer Governor-General of Aus­tralia and the min­is­ter in charge of over­see­ing the Aus­tralian intel­li­gence ser­vice, with which Assange claims to be connected." (Wiki of the Damned)

"Another indi­ca­tion of seri­ous insti­tu­tional sup­port for the cult con­cerns the par­tic­i­pa­tion in their activ­i­ties of Ronald Con­way. One of Australia’s most promi­nent Catholic intel­lec­tu­als, Con­way appears to have engaged in molesta­tion of chil­dren placed in his care." (Wiki of the Damned)

Anne Hamilton-Byrne acquired fourteen infants and young children between about 1968 and 1975.

Assange was born in 1971. ("Village of the Damned," meet Julian Assange)

Sarah Moore, a 'daughter' of Hamilton-Byrne, was a victim of the cult.

"Unseen, Unheard, Unknown" is the book by Sarah Moore (Hamilton-Byrne).

Sarah Moore alleges that Sandoz, part of the old I.G. Far­ben complex, pro­vid­ed the cult with free LSD.

San­doz bought the fam­ily busi­ness of 'Swiss Nazi financier' Carl Lund­strom.

One of Lundstrom's endeav­ors is Pirate Bay which hosts WIKILEAKS, in Sweden.

Wikileaks would appear to be partly the work of the CIA and its Mossad friends?

Israel would like the world to know that it is not just the Israeli military that sometimes murders kids.

Brits and Iraqis do it too, according to Wikileaks.

And the CIA and Mossad want us to believe some rubbish in Wikileaks about the Iranians.

Only Israel "has the penetration of the Department of Defense that would allow this kind of spying." (LAMEST WIKILEAK SO FAR … IS ISRAEL BEHIND IT?)

"The fact that the supposedly damaging leaks are in fact bolstering American accusations against Iran while minimizing American complicity in Iraqi deaths leads some to believe that the leaks are in fact engineered by the Pentagon to either discredit Wikileaks, or are in conjunction with Wikileaks which is a U.S. government outfit." (Wikileaks under doubt as “classified” documents substantiate bogus U.S. claims








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