1. On 25 November 2009 Israel made a statement about settlements in the West Bank.
2. Haaretz newspaper then reported that Russia refused an American plan whereby the international quartet (Russia, USA , EU, UN) would:
(A) recognize Israel as a 'Jewish state' and
(B) give Israel the right to annex the major West Bank settlements.
"At the crux of the Russian objections were two points that were very important to the U.S. administration: the Jewish identity of the State of Israel, and that the future border between Israel and the Palestinians would reflect developments on the ground...
"The Russians argued that they did not agree with stating that Israel will be a Jewish State, and that the borders will be altered on the basis of 'developments' on the ground, namely Israeli annexation of the large settlement blocks." (US falls short in bid to gain support for Israel's settlement freeze )
3. On 27 November 2009 Russia assured Iran it would honour a deal to supply Iran with advanced S-300 air-defence missiles. (Russia has assured Iran on missile delivery: diplomat )
4. On 28 November 2009, in Russia, a bomb caused a train crash which killed dozens of people. (Death toll in Russian train crash reaches 26 )
And, More Than a Hundred Died in a Russian Nightclub Fire
Hubris refers us to Niqnaq: who provides further information.
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